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来源:经济学家 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-09-16
摘要:海词积累 1.brewer(Para.1)n.酿造啤酒者;啤酒公司 (Para.1)n.(战争或事故的)受害者;牺牲品 (Para.1) n.(工厂)停工;(企业)歇业;(机器)停止运转 4.budge(Para.2)v.使改变主意




(Para.1) n.(工厂)停工;(企业)歇业;(机器)停止运转



6.dent(Para.2) n.减少;削减


8.caveat(Para.4) n.警告;告诫

(Para.6) n.(法律、合同等的)漏洞;空子

10.sap (Para.6) v.使虚弱;削弱;逐渐破坏


Beerbrewersare facing passengers are facing 800,000 federal employees are not being are thecasualtiesof America's governmentshutdown,which began on December 21st and is now the longest on shows few signs of ending;its costs are climbing.

①Historically,such shutdowns seem barely to havebudgedthejuggernautthat is the American economy.②Economists at the Bureau of Economic Analysis(BEA)estimated that the 16-day funding lapse in October 2013 lowered real GDP growth in that quarter by 0.3 percentage point.③This time,as only around 40%of federal employees are affected,most estimates of the weekly impact are even smaller.④Economists at Moody's,a rating agency,reckon that for each week it continues,the dent to GDP growth will point.

There are reasons to think that these numbers understate the impact of the Hassett,chairman of the Trump administration's Council of Economic Advisers,said on January15th that after taking intoaccountunpaidgovernmentcontractors,his officials had recently doubled their estimates to a hit point per has passed legislation to ensure that federal employees receive back the government will have to pay its contractors (with interest)once the shutdown ends,in the past many of those companies did not pass the cash along to workers.

Anothercaveatis that these figures measure the economic impact of the shutdown by valuing the public services that the government is no longer paying for.When the government reopens,the assumption is that GDP will be bumped up by roughly the same amount it was depressed by,with few lasting effects.

Then there is the hardship faced by workers who are not being paid.In past shutdowns the impact on consumption was softened,as people expected them to be temporary and in the event they were one has lasted longer,and the poorest among those affected may not have savings to dip into.Mr Hassett says one of his employees is driving for Uber to make ends of people are worried about losing housing have instructed banks to work with borrowers and extend credit if such services are unlikely to be free.

Thelongertheshutdown lasts,the harder it will be to escape its teeth.On January 11th the TSA announced that employees will be treated to a$500 bonus and a day's pay.The US Department of Agriculture is handing out food stamps for February ear-ly,to avoid tens of millions of Americans going without that month.If suchloopholesrun out,and the shutdown extends until March,then payments for food stamps worth$4.8bn per month will cease flowing.According to the economists at Moody's,that alone would sap GDP by$8.2bn per month,given how quickly it would bite into spending.Shutdowns are non-linear:One that lasts twice as long will incur more than twice the cost.







at Moody's,a rating agency,reckon that for each week it continues,the dent to GDP growth will be 0.04 percentage point.

主句是Economists at Moody's reckon that...,a rating agency是Moody's的同位语,for each week it continues表示持续的时间,the dent to GDP growth will be 0.04 percentage point是reckon的宾语从句。

2.Kevin Hassett,chairman of the Trump administration's Council of Economic Advisers,said on January 15th that after taking into account unpaid government contractors,his officials had recently doubled their estimates to a hit worth 0.1 percentage point per week.

主句是Kevin Hassett said on January 15th that...,chairman of the Trump administration's Council of Economic Advisers是Kevin Hassett的同位语,after后面可以直接加动词的-ing形式,如after taking into account unpaid government contractors,his officials had recently doubled their estimates to a hit是said的宾语从句,worth 0.1 percentage point per week是修饰a hit的形容词短语。

文章来源:《经济学家》 网址: http://www.jjxjzz.cn/qikandaodu/2020/0916/400.html


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